


・製品に使用するパーツ(ピアスポスト、キャッチ、各種チェーン等)は、RJC(Responsible Jewellery Council:責任あるジュエリー協議会)の加盟事業者から仕入れております。同協議会の加盟企業は、紛争地域で産出された鉱物を使用しないこと・児童労働や強制労働に関与しないこと・地球環境の維持への貢献・人権の尊重などに関する国際基準を遵守しております。



〇Efforts for environmental consideration

 MAVERI is a jewelry brand that is considerate of the global environment and values the sustainability of its business.  We are committed to environmental conservation efforts for the Earth. As part of this commitment, we are implementing the following initiatives.

  • We source parts for our products (such as earring posts, catches, various chains, etc.) from suppliers certified by the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC). Companies affiliated with this council adhere to international standards regarding not using minerals sourced from conflict regions, not engaging in child labor or forced labor, contributing to environmental sustainability, and respecting human rights
  • We source our precious metals from companies that fulfill their responsibility to the supply chain and focus on precious metal recycling initiatives.
  • We reduce CO2 emissions by completing the production process within Tokyo.